
Mobile food sharing app design, mockup

FeedShare began as a collaborative project between two other Northeastern students and myself. My responsibility was to design a new interface and implement said interface as an application built with React Native.

Detail view, home view, and new item view respectively. Taken directly
        from the appDetail view, home view, and new item view respectively. Taken directly from the app

The project is ongoing and under continuous development. These screenshots are all from my new design as part of Feedshare 2.0. Everything you see here is being tweaked and fine-tuned inside the application build. The beta version leading up to Feedshare 2.0 is functional and features much of the design displayed here. Since the new version has not been released publically, these views only exist here.

Login page prototype on Android deviceLogin page prototype on Android device

Every design element of the application was met with heavy testing and as a result, showcases the best of what we created. Every view was built as a wireframe, then brought into Photoshop for color tweaking. Eventually, I built a protoyped version; first in InVision, then in Sketch. From there, the design was implemented using a mixture of React Native, Swift, and Java.

Background photo